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Pub Night

With Pizza and Board Games

30 September from 7pm

Tom Thorpe, an up and coming local chef, is keen to try out his new pizza oven which was funded through the Catbrook Education Trust and will be making pizzas for people to try on Friday 30 September during pub night. The cost will be £5 a pizza and there will be the choice of Margarita, Pepperoni and Vegetarian. To help with ingredients can people please pre-order what they would like by completing and submitting the form here.

There will also be the opportunity for people to bring along any games or board games to play on the night. Jack Thorpe asked the Education Trust to fund the purchase of some chess sets for people to use. He also purchased a pool table and safe darts which will be at the hall. Here's a chance for those with a misspent youth to show off your skills! Please bring along any games you might want to try.

Pizza Menu - choose from the following:


Tomato, mozzarella, pepperoni


Tomato, mozzarella, basil


Tomato, mozzarella, peppers, sweetcorn, red onion and mushroom

All the pizzas are 9" - perfect for one person!

Pizzas MUST be ordered before Wednesday 28 September.

If you have any allergies, please contact Chef!

Pub Night
30 September 2022
Pizza Order Form

Each Pizza is just £5 on the night but must be pre-ordered!

Please fill in ALL the forms - e.g. if you don't want a vegetarian pizza, enter 0.


Thank you for your order!

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